Month: June 2023

Mars Our New Home Response To Text

Mars –

Our New Home?


Think carefully about each question, and use evidence from the texts to support your conclusions. Write your answers in full sentences, and use explanations and examples where needed.


Surface Level: Find the Answer in the Text

  1. What are some similarities between Earth and Mars?


Mars has ice caps, seasons and a day cycle just like earth.


  1. Humans would find it challenging to live on Mars without what?


It Would Be Hard To Live On Mars Without Trees, Internet, Entertainment and Family.


  1. What are the 3 things that the article says are making our planet Earth unlivable?


The 3 things that the article says are making our planet Earth unlivable are pollution, climate change, and the overuse of natural resources.


Inference: Use Clues from the Text to Think of an Answer

  1. Explain in your own words why scientists are exploring the possibility of a move to Mars?


Scientists are exploring this possibility because climate change is having a big impact on the earth and exploring possible substitutes for earth


  1. What are some challenges that humans would face if there was a move to Mars?


Some challenges that humans would face would be the long journey to mars for it will take years to reach mars and I can Barely last 4 hours in the car.


  1. Why do you think plants will be so important to the terraforming of Mars?


Plants will be important in terraforming mars because they can be a good source of oxygen and natural gases to help thicken the atmosphere.


Unfamiliar Words: Clarifying Language that may cause Misunderstanding


Word Sentence from the text Definition 
Enthusiast A planet called Mars, located 342 million kilometres away from Earth, has captured the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Someone super interested in something
Potential Mars holds the potential for us to explore and perhaps even call it our new home someday.  A possible outcome of something happening
Abundant While Earth is beautiful and abundant, we must face the reality that our actions are harming our planet.  Living in big quantities.
Generate We would need to find ways to grow food, create sustainable habitats, and generate the resources necessary for survival. To produce/create something like plants/trees


Global Inferencing: Making Connections between the Text and the Wider World


Would you want to be one of the first people living on Mars?

Come up with solid reasons for your choice, and provide evidence, and examples to support your reasons.


No I would not want to be one of the first humans on mars because

  1. I can’t handle the long travel
  2. The oxygen and gravity levels being low
  3. Because I don’t want to leave earth with a group of strangers
  4. It is colder than earth and I already get cold easily.


Climate Change


Climate Change – The Biggest Challenge


We have spent the last week learning about Climate Change and the impact that it has on life on Earth. For this week’s writing task we are going to be explaining what Climate Change is, what impact it has, and what we need to do to improve how we look after the environment.


Make sure you have read and understood what Explanatory Writing is, and have made a plan.


Your task is to explain

 what Climate Change is, and what impact it has on Earth.


Begin your writing here:Climate change is the rapidly changing temperatures in the atmosphere. It is important that we discuss climate change because it can affect all of us. If climate change gets bad enough then sea levels could rise through glaciers melting, wildfires and loss of usable water. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases are the gases that trap heat and go up into the atmosphere.Greenhouse gases are gases processed and released into the atmosphere by a living thing or released by factories, coal mining, burning fossil fuels and car exhausts. 

Climate change is having a big impact on the earth but the biggest one will be the increase of the water in the ocean. This is caused by the earth’s rising temperature as a result of  methane, carbon dioxide and many other gases being trapped in the atmosphere. The glaciers are melting and flooding the ocean. The glaciers are melting because the earth’s temperature is going up and melting the glaciers. This is bad because the sea levels may rise so high that it can cover up an entire island in the future unless we stop it. 

Climate change is bad for the environment because it can deplete water sources and increase the temperature of the earth. It will deplete usable water because the heat will turn the usable water into steam. Now this is alarming because if the water depletes and the heat rises then many trees will dry up and die, and without trees there will be a lack of oxygen. With a lack of oxygen we won’t be able to survive.

One of the ways we can help solve this problem is that we need to end oil drilling because oil produces over 120 Megatons of Methane per year! Oil drilling produces this much methane because methane is produced when natural gases are flared or vented and the process happens a lot whilst oil drilling. This is bad because methane traps heat 25 times more than carbon dioxide, we also need to end gas cars because the gas contains over 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.

 In conclusion Climate change is bad for many reasons and we can’t really stop it completely because if we do, we will end up in an ice age once more but, If keep it at a medium pace trees won’t die and neither will we.


Climate Change Response To Text

Climate Change – Response to Texts


Think carefully about each question, and use evidence from the texts to support your conclusions. Write your answers in full sentences, and use explanations and examples where needed.


  1. What are two of the largest sources of climate change? Explain what they are.


Source One:Deforestation  Deforestation Is When You Burn Or Cut Down Forests And It Could Be Bad Because Trees Absorb Carbon Dioxide And When You Cut The Down Or Burn Them They Release It All Into The Environment.
Source Two: Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels Are Fuels Made From Burning Fossils Or Coal, And They Are Bad For The Environment Because When Burning Them Down To A Liquid You Create Excess Carbon Dioxide


  1. Explain what impact climate change is having on our environment. Include at least 2 examples.


Climate Change Has Many Impacts Like How In Some Places It Can Make The Ocean Rise And Swallow Up An Entire Island And In Others It Can Cause Droughts.


  1. What are greenhouse gases?


GreenHouse Gases Are Gases Produced By Humans And Animals Know As Farts And Burps, And They Are Harmful To The Environment Because They Contain Some Harmful Gases.


  1. How does deforestation contribute to climate change?


DeForestation Contributes to Climate Change Because Trees Absorb Carbon Dioxide And When You Cut The Down Or Burn Them There Is Nothing That Can Absorb The Smog\Air Pollution.


  1. Why is it important to reduce our carbon footprint?


It Is Important To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint Because Carbon Increases The Speed Of Climate Change, And If That Happens Then The Entire World Would End Up Destroyed Due To The Land Drying Up And Every Living Thing Die Of Thirst


  1. Do you think we, as New Zealanders,are doing a good job of slowing down climate change? Provide at least 2 reasons for your answer.
No I Don’t Think That We Are Doing A Good Job With Slowing Down Climate Change Because One, 99% Of Energy In New Zealand Is Fossil Fuel And Two, Around 1840 There Was Already Some 6.7 Hectares Of Forests Destroyed.