Year: 2023

Penn Reflection

Last week On the 22 of march I was on my school’s news. I Thought that I did well with expression but I lacked a good smile. Next time I would like to try and get the script said without any mistakes. I also would like to have more expression.

Here’s the news from the day

Edmund Hillary Biography

Edmund Hillary

When Hillary was a child he attended Tuakau Primary. While he was there His mother was a teacher and his father published the Dargaville newspaper. Edmund Hillary had a sister called June and a brother named Rex.

The hills, creeks and mountains in Tuakau were calling for adventure. In no time he was playing all around there. Hillary was always looking for ways to have adventures and always found them.

Hillary’s family had a well known beekeeping business. After university Hillary joined the NZ airforce. While he was in the Air Force he realised He liked mountaineering and that’s when he decided to climb Mt Everest.

Response to text: Exploring the Pacific

Polynesian Explorers

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. When, and where was Tupaia born?


  1. a) Around 1825 in Rā‘iātea
  2. b) Around 1725 in New Zealand
  3. c) Around 1825 in New Zealand
  4. d) Around 1725 in Rā‘iātea


  1. Rā‘iātea is a part of which larger group of islands? 


  1. a) Samoa       b) Tahiti
  2. c) Rapa Nui      d) Micronesia


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. One day, more people would come – a different kind of people altogether. They would arrive on a canoe with no outrigger and would change everything: “And this land will be taken by them” Vaita said

Did this prophecy come true? Explain.

→Yes the prophecy came true. The prophecy said One day, more people

would come, a different kind of people altogether. They would arrive on a canoe

with no outrigger and would change everything: “And this land will be taken by

Them,” in 1767 a strange boat was seen off the coast of Tahiti. The next morning, arioi priests paddled out to investigate. The boat was a British ship searching for the unknown southern continent. Samuel Wallis and his crew were the first Europeans the Tahitians had ever seen. This was the group the prophecy was talking about. 


  1. Only about 20 of the painted hoe that were given to Captain Cook in 1769 by Māori survive.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. Describe the role that Tupaia had on board the Endeavour – what did he do on Captain Cook’s ship?


→Tupia was a Translator and negotiator 


interpreter a person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally or into sign language. Tupia was a interpreter
diplomat a person who can deal with others in a tactful way. Tupia was a diplomat.
indigenous  inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists. she wants the territorial government to speak with Indigenous people before implementing a programme


  1. Explain the four reasons why Hoe were important, and special pieces of technology for Maori.

→ The Hoe was a piece of art.

→ Without the hoe the Maori wouldn’t have been able to travel.

→ The Hoe had spiritual importance.

→ The Hoe designs were important areas of land.


  1. Tupaia (up until recently) and much more Polynesian history remains oral history (that means told by speaking). How can we ensure that this history is available to learn for future generations? Try to come up with at least 2 ways.


→We can get people’s stories and type them up on computers then download it onto a hard drive, and get a video of a certain person verbally talking about their life then download the video onto the hard drive and put the hard drive in a time capsule. Another way we can continue this legacy in a couple things most kids dread, history books and biography.